Tag Archives: insect

Mass Observation: Random

So, time for the results of the fifth Mass Observation Project, and there are some fine examples here!

Following January Blues, Change, Isolation and Colour, I opted for something a bit more random, and boy did we get random back!!


Random by Killing Time with a Camera

Name: killing time with a camera … (https://steviegill.wordpress.com/)

Location: The Beaches, Toronto

Note: What could be more random than eight inflatable unicorns sat in someone’s front garden? I walk down this road regularly and they certainly weren’t there on previous occasions — that’s the kind of thing I’d notice!

Random by Droning Speck

Name: Droning Speck

Location: UK

Note: In the end, are we not all going round in circles? The blue of the sign against the blue of the sky really caught my eye, but something wasn’t quite right. It all seemed a little random…

Random by CKPonderingsToo

Name: CKPonderingsToo

Location: Shapwick Heath, Somerset

Note: The bug had caught my eye, glistening brightly against the yellow irises. One of the things I love about mt photography technique (trigger-happy, drive-by snapping) is that I don’t always know what the result is going to be. It was only when I looked at the image on the computer that I appreciated it was two bugs, rather than one! (Yes, they’re cuddling to keep warm… It was a misty morning…)

Random by Doctor Ken, Gin Sop

Name: Doctor Ken, Gin Sop

Location: Somerset

Note: The random thing for this photo is that I have been called upon to do the ironing!

Random by Cap Does Craft

Name: Cap Does Craft

Location: Gallery Floor – South Yorkshire

Note: Random was called for and and random this is!  The speckled tiles, straight lines, wavy shadows, reflections and rainbow were taken pre-pandemic but work with the theme.  The rainbow was created by sunlight refracting through the edge of a glass door (and the handles to the door can just be seen in the reflection next to the rainbow). Whether the different aspects of this image come together to make a pleasing whole is perhaps for you to decide?

Random by Postcard Cafe

Name: Postcard Cafe https://postcardcafe.wordpress.com

Location: South West Sheffield (Taken during lockdown while on daily exercise)

Note: This photograph is of hay bales wrapped in plastic to produce silage, ready to be used as winter feed for livestock.  Most often we see these bales on farms dressed in black plastic and I liked that these are pink and green, which in itself seemed unusual.  I also liked the random nature the various components in the composition.  Brambles with their incredible daily growth are gradually attempting to reclaim the area for themselves and the bales arranged seemingly without too much order.  In a different setting this might be considered a work of art!

Random by Cooking-Post Nerd

Name: Cooking-Post Nerd

Location: Somerset

Note: It’ funny what you can find wandering the local streets during your daily exercise. I mean, what could be more random than Bear’s Curious Quest?!