Tag Archives: color

Mass Observation – Colour

Something a bit brighter for these crazy times.

Colour seemed to unleash a lot in those who have submitted this time around, so enjoy!

Colour by Cooking-Post Nerd

Name: Cooking-Post Nerd

Location: United Kingdom

Note: I managed to escape from my kitchen and made it out into the garden. Nature has moved on while humanity has paused, and the April sunshine has brought the plants and flowers out. I love lilac, and this starburst of a shot, with a really narrow depth of field, is my submission this month!

Colour by Killing Time With A Camera

Name: Killing Time With A Camera … (https://steviegill.wordpress.com/)

Location: Queen Street East, Toronto

Note: A few weeks ago, someone started placing colourful plastic flowers on benches, lampposts, etc in our neighbourhood. I have no idea what the significance of this is, whether it’s related to spring, Easter, or perhaps as a symbol of hope during these trying times. Anyway, this fabulous plastic rose is attached to a community noticeboard that I pass on my way to the Valu-Mart (got to love North America!), and seeing it adds a little splash of colour and also a sense of mystery to my day!

Colour by Postcard Cafe

Name: Postcard Cafe https://postcardcafe.wordpress.com

Location: Hunters Bar, Sheffield  

Note: This long exposure shot was taken while shooting a night time ‘9 in 45’ (click the link if you wish to know more about 9 in 45).  The location of this shot was determined not by me but by the rules of 9 in 45! A long exposure introduced the colour trails of passing cars and a quick edit in Photoshop isolated them and the grass verge from the rest of the shot. Both the presence and absence of colour in the one image.  I like the minimal aspect of the composition and the colours between the gate posts on the left hand side, which look like someone has stretched some plastic sheeting across! 

Colour by Cap Does Craft

Name: Cap Does Craft

Location: Attercliffe, South Yorkshire  

Note: This shot is of the Gripple factory in Attercliffe.  They are a wonderful, forward thinking, innovative company and the design of their building reflects how they do things differently.  This is a small section of one of their buildings.  Without the colour and reflective elements to the windows this could just be a grey industrial building which might not be given a second glance.  The colour is what lifts this image to something far more interesting.  

Colour by CKPonderingsToo

Name: CKPonderingsToo

Location: Taunton, Somerset

Note: Again, while curating this post, I became very conscious that I had not really connected to what I was going to include. On my one-a-day I have still been taking photos, but nothing really leapt out at me. So, I have dug a bit deeper with this one, looking pre-lockdown, and my first visit to the (now) local town of Taunton. One one street corner, a hoarding hiding a patch of disused land, is this piece of street art. It leapt out at me as a potential photograph, and, with a slight tweak here and there, it soon matched this month’s theme.

Colour by Doctor Ken, Gin Sop

Name: Doctor Ken, Gin Sop

Location: Somerset

Note: A sign of our times that caught my eye. Still, it’s a splash of colour in a seemingly endless grey…

The Roses of Rapperswil

Some more spring colour now, with some photos I took last year in Switzerland.

The town of Rapperswil, on Lake Zurich is renowned for its rose garden and, at the time I visited, the blooms were out in full force. Summer was beginning to ebb away, but the weather was still definitely on my side as a tourist, and it was a pleasure to spend time wandering amongst the blooms, colours and scents.

Colour is also on the cards for the new Mass Observation Project, so get snapping!

Take a photograph based that sums up the theme COLOUR to you, however you want to interpret it.

  • Email the image to adayinphotographs@outlook.com by Thursday 30th April 2020.
  • Images should be a maximum of 650 pixels wide.
  • Include your name, website/blog address and a short note about the image, including where it was taken.
  • Come back and see the results on Sunday 3rd May!