Tag Archives: experience


Why spend time looking out of a window to see the world? Why not step outside and experience it for yourself?

It is an amazing place, with a whole explosion of wonders to enjoy. So take the first step, and see what life can bring you.

It may not always go to plan, but that’s part of the big adventure. Babies learn by doing things wrong, so try is yourself; let loose your childish side, and see what you can do.

Take the reins on a new life, and share your experiences with others. Not through the rose-tinted world of social media, but by meeting new people, sharing experiences with them, then reporting back on your achievements to your friends and loved ones.

We can become too staid, to set in our ways, hiding behind a comfort zone without risk. Unleash those shackles and set yourself free.

Build new friendships, gain a new sense of self, a new sense of confidence. You are brilliant and the world is yours for the taking!.