Tag Archives: green


We spend our time rushing from one thing to another, trying desperately to cram as much as we can into the hours that we have.

This doesn’t allow us to appreciate what we have, where we are, and what we have accomplished.

Take a breath. Take a step back. Just enjoy the moment.


We are all of us in limbo at the moment. It seems like someone pressed the Pause button on 2020 back in February, and nobody seems to know how to get it kick started again.

Limbo is a dangerous place; we run the risk of becoming lethargic, or apathy setting in; things we would normally crack on with no longer seem important because, as I alluded to the other day, we can always do it tomorrow.

We run the risk of becoming a society of procrastinators, holding off, pacing ourselves, because if we end up doing something too quickly, we will have nothing to do tomorrow, or the next day or the next.

We are stuck ‘in-between’, a world waiting for something to happen, but not sure when it will, or what it will be.

Is there an easy answer?