Tag Archives: individual


Be who you are. Your quirks, your perceived flaws are what make you individual and that is key.

There is little point in following the crowd. Trying for confirm dampens your soul and spirit, lessening the essence of who you are. Celebrate your traits, they are you.


“You are unique, but you are part of a collective.” The message was clear.

Individuality was gone, uniformity was key. But within her uniformity, she knew she was individual. This wasn’t 1984, for Pete’s sake…

She had to keep hold of her individuality. She had to maintain the essence of ‘her’. She didn’t want to stand out, didn’t want to be obvious, didn’t want to run the risk of being separate, ostracised.

So how to keep a collective mentality while retaining an individual perspective? How to be part of the whole while remaining true to herself?

You are unique, but you are part of a collective.