Tag Archives: Mother Nature

Life will win.

Whatever you do, however much you accomplish, life will always win out. No matter how much we screw up the planet, no matter how much procrastinating is done by those who hold the reins of power, life will find a way.

That’s not to say that life won’t continue without humanity, but in spite of it. There are always ways forward for Mother Nature, and she will rein supreme long after humanity has sealed its own fate.

There will be traces of us throughout eternity, snippets of our existence scarring the planet we have called home. She will run out of patience, however, and will demand recompense for the damage we have caused her, damage that cannot be overturned by nations and governments focused only on the next vote or voter.

Humanity will be as much of a footnote in the history of the world as the dinosaurs are and, in the millennia to come, those who replace us will wonder where it all went wrong, how and when we turned our back on something so precious.