Tag Archives: Tintinhull

An A-Z of Somerset Villages

With everything else that has been going on in the world, it’s taken a while to get there, but here is the complete list of alphabetical Somerset villages posts. What started out in August 2020 as something of a lockdown photographic project, helping me explore parts of my new home county that I might normally bypass, became much more than just something to challenge my satnav.

Twenty six villages, each with their own individual personalities and traits. Each came into being in different ways, for different reasons, but each brings something different to the county, adding different stories to the county’s history.

(The previously mentioned disclaimers apply to the alphabetical journey. There are no villages in Somerset beginning with a J or a V, so K and W are doubled up. Zeals is technically not in Somerset, but is within a few hundred yards of the border, so I have taken the liberty of including it in the list, as there are no other places in the county starting with that letter.)

Click on an image to visit the village post.



Charlton Mackrell



Farrington Gurney


Haselbury Plucknett

Isle Abbotts



Lydeard St Lawrence


North Curry



Queen Camel

Rodney Stoke

Stanton Drew








A-Z of Somerset: Part 4

Over half way through the alphabet, and it’s the last of four recaps of the alphabetical journey around Somerset so far. Lockdown 2021 means that I have been unable to complete the A-Z, but this brings us up to date with the stop offs so far.

Click on the links to see the full post for each village.

P is for Pilton.

The true home of the Glastonbury Festival, Pilton was something of a hidden gem I am glad I discovered.

Q is for Queen Camel.

Who’d have thought there was a Q but no J in the list. Well, had it not been given as a gift, there wouldn’t have been a Q either!

R is for Rodney Stoke.

Not another Somersetonian (Somersetter?), but this is one of eight villages in the county with something to be thankful for.

S is for Stanton Drew.

Another hidden gem, but not just the village. The Neolithic circle here rivals Avebury and Stonehenge.

T is for Tintinhull.

A manorial vicarage and stunning gardens, but no sign of Snowy the dog…

Twenty letters down, then, and five still to go. When life finds a sense of normality, the A to Z will continue, so watch this space.